probable cause gun charges

Post: 4th Amendment, Gun Charges, and Probable Cause Defense

Determining whether the police had “probable cause” to arrest you on gun charges can sometimes help your defense attorney get the case against you dismissed. The Fourth Amendment to the Constitution forbids law enforcement from conducting “unreasonable searches and seizures.” That means that police generally cannot stop someone, conduct a search, or make an arrest without good reason to suspect that a crime has occurred or is about to occur.

The law says that probable cause must be based on evidence and fact, not merely suspicion. If you face weapons charges in Florida, call 407-644-2466 to talk about your case with an aggressive and experienced Orlando gun lawyer at the Rivas Law Firm.

Common Gun Charges in Florida

Gun charges in Florida can range from misdemeanors to felonies, and anyone arrested on gun charges needs to find the best criminal attorney they can get because a conviction can be devastating. Among the common gun charges in Florida are:

  • Brandishing a Weapon: Also known as the Improper Exhibition of Weapons or Firearms. This involves openly displaying or using a weapon in a threatening manner.
  • Trespassing on School Grounds with a Weapon: Entering school premises while carrying a firearm, with or without intent to cause harm.
  • Possession of a Firearm by a Convicted Felon: A convicted felon found in possession of a firearm can face strict penalties.
  • Crimes Committed While in Possession of a Firearm: When a crime is committed while the perpetrator is in possession of a firearm, the penalties can be harsher.
  • Federal Weapons Charges: Violations of federal firearms laws can result in severe penalties, including lengthy prison sentences.

Importance of a Probable Cause in Gun Arrests

In matters of gun arrests, probable cause is an essential legal threshold that law enforcement must satisfy before detaining an individual or issuing a search warrant. Probable cause is defined as a reasonable belief, supported by specific facts and circumstances, that a person has engaged in or is on the verge of committing a crime.

The Fourth Amendment of the United States Constitution is what keeps police from detaining you without good reason. It requires that any search or seizure, including traffic stops by police, adhere to the standard of probable cause. Grasping the subtleties of this principle is often critical in defending against weapons charges in Florida.

Orlando Gun Lawyer for Your Best Defense

Facing gun charges in Florida can be an intimidating ordeal, with your freedom, reputation, and future at stake. An aggressive and experienced gun attorney will thoroughly investigate the details of your arrest and challenge police over issues like due process. A criminal defense attorney will challenge the prosecution at every turn, negotiate on your behalf, and work hard for the best possible outcome in your case.

If you’re facing gun charges in Florida, it’s essential to consult with a criminal attorney in Orlando who is experienced in gun law to navigate these complex legal issues successfully. An aggressive defense can protect your gun rights in Florida and secure the best possible outcome in your case. If you need to talk to a criminal defense attorney about weapons charges, talk to an Orlando firearms attorney at the Rivas Law Firm. Call 407-644-2466 as soon as possible after your interaction with the police.

The sooner you contact us, the better we’ll be able to defend you against weapons charges, whether state or federal. Rivas firearms attorneys have a track record of successfully defending clients against weapons charges. Talk to our experienced gun charges lawyers so that we can get your gun charges defense started and fight to protect your rights.

Criminal defense attorney The Rivas Law Firm
